What is acidic water? Things you need to know.

What is acidic water? Yeah, some of us were good at chemistry and we know a little bit about water, a little bit about pH, but how are those connected? Should we be concerned about it and can it really affect our health in some special way?

What is acidic water? Things you need to know

Well, let’s start with the very basics. Water is an essential molecule in our world and it makes up a huge part of our body. However, it’s usually very close to neutral pH, which is about 7. 

Acidic water has a pH lower than 7 and this means that something in the water has changed. The things that changed are ions, their concentrations actually. So, how do you get acidic water? Is acidic water bad for you? Continue reading to get to know all about it.

Usage of Acidic Water

Although many people think that acidic water is all bad and there is no smart use to it, that’s not completely true. Let’s see where people use acidic water and feel its benefits.

Skincare. If you didn’t know, our skin is also slightly acidic. Anything that’s very alkaline, most soaps and cleansers, create a disbalance and then the face feels the need to compensate for the oil that was stripped away and this creates a sense of dehydration. Acidic water can remove oil naturally without stripping all of it away.

Hair. If you decide to rinse your hair with acidic water more often, you’ll see that it will be much softer and it will start to shine without any additional products. The effect is similar to cleaning your hair with rainwater.

Disinfection. Although it will never do a phenomenal job as alcohol does, acidic water can be of great help when it comes to cuts and bruises. Some people even treat the plaque in their mouth with it and they feel the positive effects.

Protect your food. There are a lot of organic „issues“ living on the fruit and vegetables we eat. Acidic water is a great way to rinse them off, but also kill anything that is possibly still on.

A happy garden. Some plants really like acidic water because it protects them from bacteria and fungi. Most flowers will last much longer if you water them with acidic water as well.

When is acidic water suitable for drinking?

So, maybe you have seen a fancy ad for acidic water that is supposed to be additionally supplemented and should do wonders for your body. A lot of marketing schemes use these fancy terms to create a fuss about their products, but in reality, acidic water is never a good idea when it comes to drinking.

If you take in a lot of it, you’re probably getting too much copper, lead and iron. These are not good for your body in an excessive amount and most water filters actually strip them away. You could feel a short-term effect like poisoning, but you could also have some serious consequences in the future.

Cardiovascular issues, a higher risk for infections and metabolic issues are some of the most common ones linked with an overdose of these elements.

Is Acidic Water Bad For You?

Well, this question heavily depends on the way you’re going to use acidic water. We have to talk about these and each one in particular so we can judge them separately.

Drinking. We have discussed this in the paragraph before, but long story short, it’s not a good idea to drink it because you can easily overdose on some heavy metals and get metabolic and cardiovascular issues. 

Cleaning. If you want to bathe in acidic water, go ahead. You may get certain skincare positive effects, but people can get allergic reactions to acidic water easily because of the metals in it. The face reacts less than the rest of the body because of the surface of the exposure.

Hair. This is actually a really good method to get soft hair, but make sure to not get too much on your scalp because you’re going to get dandruff easily.

Cooking. You can use the water to cook, boiling won’t make it any healthier though.

How To Test My Tap Water For Acidity?

If you’re worried that your water may be acidic and you’re not realizing it, it’s very important to test it. It’s not a complicated thing to do and usually not expensive either, but you need to follow the specific steps.

If you feel like a test is not the right thing to do, you can rely on your senses, which is not so accurate. Opening up tubes and looking fo blue/green/turquoise stains usually does the job, but chlorine odor can also be an indicator.

As we said, it’s better to test the water with a testing kit. You can get these at any supply shop out there and you have to follow these simple steps:

  1. Get a glass of your test water.
  2. Put a test strip in the water, but make sure nothing touches it before it’s in the glass.
  3. Check out the instructions on the box to see how long the strip needs to be in.
  4. Take it out and wait until the indicator stops changing.
  5. Check the colors on the package to see what you’re comparing your test too.

You can also get a pH meter and put the whole device in the glass and then read the result, but this is usually pricey for most people.

Where Do You Get It?

Acidic water can usually be bought in grocery stores and bigger supermarkets. They are not any pricier than a regular water bottle, so keep that in mind. Some people love to get water ionizers and make their own acidic water, while others just put a lemon inside of a water glass and leave it overnight.


Acidic water can often be found in places you don’t want it to be, including your plumbing. Blue or green stains are usually a sign of this issue, but you need to get a pH test to be completely sure. Acidic water can be helpful for your skincare routine or your hair, but it’s not useful to ingest it.

Make sure that you proceed with caution and get a water filter if your drinking water is contaminated.

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